If you are attending one of our workshops, we will provide a training environment with all of the required software and data.
If you want to setup your own computer to run the analysis demonstrated on this course, you can follow the instructions below.
Note that we use tabsets to provide instructions for all three major operating systems. However, as much as possible we advice you use a Linux system, as our training environment is built on that.
We will perform a fresh installation of the conda package using the miniconda installation option.
If you already have Miniconda or Anaconda installed, and you just want to upgrade, you should not proceed to making a fresh installation. Just use conda update to update your existing version of conda.
conda update conda
After updatiing conda, you can proceed to the instructions from number 8 to install mamba into the base environment from the conda-forge channel.
This creates an environment called qc with the specified package versions and their dependencies.
NB. The tools fastq-scan and bracken runs python scripts which require python libraries pandas, json, glob.
Use the below command to install the packages in the qc environment:
NB. For the Assembly and Annotation module, we will create three different environments because there are conflicts in the conda recipes and it’ll be tricky to get all the tools working in a single environment.
We will thus, create each environment seperately with the following names:
creating the genotyping environments and installing required packages
NB. For the genotyping and AMR prediction, we will create five different environments because some tools require specific versions of python and other related packages hence we cannot install all the packages in a single environment.
We will thus, create each environment seperately with the following names:
run the following commands to create the specified environment and install all required packages and their dependencies for:
mamba create -n mlst mlst=2.22.1
mamba create -n seroba seroba=1.0.2
mamba create -n spoligotyping spotyping=2.1
mamba create -n tbprofiler tb-profiler=4.1.1
mamba create -n ariba ariba=2.14.6
These create the specified environment names mlst, seroba, spoligotyping, tbprofiler and ariba with the specified package versions and their dependencies.
As you may see, all the tools installed have specified version numbers added to the tool names in the format tool=version_numer. This allows us to install the exact version of tools used for the training.
For your personal use, if you wish to use the latest version of these tools, just omit specifying the version z-version_number` and the latest version of the tool will hopefully be installed.
creating the qc environment and installing required packages
Open a terminal, make sure you are in the conda base environment and run this command to install all required packages and their dependencies:
This creates an environment called qc with the specified package versions and their dependencies.
NB. The tools fastq-scan and bracken runs python scripts which require python libraries pandas, json, glob.
Use the below command to install the packages in the qc environment:
This creates an environment called mapping with the specified package versions and their dependencies.
NB. Creating the pseudogenomes step runs python scripts which require some python libraries.
Use the below command to install the packages in the mapping environment:
creating the genotyping environment and installing required packages
NB. For the genotyping and AMR prediction, we will create five different environments because some tools require specific versions of python and other related packages hence we cannot install all the packages in a single environment.
We will thus, create each environment seperately with the following names:
run the following commands to create the specified environment and install all required packages and their dependencies for:
mamba create -n mlst mlst=2.22.1
mamba create -n seroba seroba=1.0.2
mamba create -n spoligotyping spotyping=2.1
mamba create -n tbprofiler tb-profiler=4.1.1
mamba create -n ariba ariba=2.14.6
These create the specified environment names mlst, seroba, spoligotyping, tbprofiler and ariba with the specified package versions and their dependencies.
As you may see, all the tools installed have specified version numbers added to the tool names in the format tool=version_numer. This allows us to install the exact version of tools used for the training.
For your personal use, if you wish to use the latest version of these tools, just omit specifying the version z-version_number` and the latest version of the tool will hopefully be installed.
Go to the Visual Studio Code download page and download the installer for your operating system. Double-click the downloaded file to install the software, accepting all the default options.
After completing the installation, go to your Windows Menu, search for “Visual Studio Code” and launch the application.
Go to “File > Preferences > Settings”, then select “Text Editor > Files” on the drop-down menu on the left. Scroll down to the section named “EOL” and choose “\n” (this will ensure that the files you edit on Windows are compatible with the Linux operating system).
Go to the Downloads folder and double-click the file you just downloaded to extract the application. Drag-and-drop the “Visual Studio Code” file to your “Applications” folder.
You can now open the installed application to check that it was installed successfully (the first time you launch the application you will get a warning that this is an application downloaded from the internet - you can go ahead and click “Open”).
Go to the Visual Studio Code download page and download the installer for your Linux distribution. Install the package using your system’s installer.